Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Writing Assignments # 6 through 9

You will be responsible for writing at least FOUR of your own posts in the Slaughterhouse-Five blog assignment. Here are some ideas to help you develop your own content:
- If you could change something about the novel, what would it be?
- How would the novel be received in different areas of the world? Would the novel have the same impact in another country or culture?
- What would Vonnegut think about our project?
- What scene in the novel would lend itself well to film and why?
- Do you think the novel could work as a play?
- What other Vonnegut texts have you read? What common themes or similarities can you find between the texts?


  1. Hey Sir,

    Are you going to post an alternative topic at all? I know you said you were planning on it, but if not, I'd just like to know so I can start on the other ones.
    Thanks a million :)
    -Rachel E.

  2. Mr. Lynn, would it count if we were to post another quote from Assignment #2 as post #6-9?

  3. Sorry it took so long, Rachel. But it's there now. It completely slipped my mind last week after we talked. Note to self: take more notes for self.

    Yuemin - I would like you to take an entirely different (and hopefully more creative) approach to your own topics.
